How to choose the best food for puppies? Picking good food for your puppy is super duper important! It’s one of the biggest things you do. Good food makes a happy puppy. And a healthy puppy! There are lots of foods to pick from. But don’t worry. This helps you pick!

Why Puppy Food is Different

So, puppies need lots of stuff! More than big dogs. Like, way more. They need lots of energy to run and play. And protein to grow big and strong. Big dogs? Not so much. They’re already big. Puppies need special food to grow up right!

What Puppies Need

Okay, so look for these things in puppy food:

  • Protein: Makes muscles big!
  • Fat: Good for brains and energy!
  • Carbs: Zoom! Zoom! Run and play!
  • Vitamins & Minerals: Strong bones and teeth!
  • Water: Super important! Drink up!

Why Not Adult Dog Food?

But, can you give a puppy big dog food? Nope! Needs improvement. Puppies need more stuff! Big-dog food needs more. It’s like giving a baby big-kid food — not the same! Puppy food is made just for puppies! So they grow big and strong!

Reading Dog Food Labels: What to Look For

Picking the right food is super important. And it’s more challenging than just grabbing any old bag. You have to check the label. Here’s the deal:

  1. Complete and Balanced: Look for these magic words: “Complete” and “balanced.” They mean the food has everything your puppy needs—like everything.
  2. Meat First! What’s the very first thing on the list? Hopefully, it’s meat! Like chicken, beef, or lamb. Puppies need lots of protein to grow big and strong. No wimpy puppy!
  3. No Junk Food: Look out for filler words. Like corn, soy, or wheat. They’re like the junk food of the dog world. No good! You want your pup to eat the best stuff. Not filler, filler, filler.
  4. Keep it Natural: Fake stuff is bad. Artificial colors and flavors… yuck! Natural is good. We also don’t like those preservatives, or whatever they’re called!
  5. Trusted Brands: Stick to the brands you know—the good guys and maybe the ones your vet likes, too. If you need more time, ask your vet! They are smart about doggy diets.

So, there you go! Easy peasy, right? Now, you can pick the perfect puppy food. But make sure they eat it, also!

Wet vs. Dry Puppy Food

So, wet food or dry food for your puppy? Well, both are okay. But they’re different. Let’s see:

Wet Food:

  • Good Stuff: Puppies love it! It’s yummy. And it’s wet, so puppies get extra water.
  • Bad Stuff: It costs more. And it’s not good for puppy teeth.

Dry Food:

  • Good Stuff: It’s cheap! And it helps clean your puppy’s teeth.
  • Bad Stuff: Some puppies don’t like it. Not as yummy.

What should you do? Well, it’s up to you. And your puppy. You can even mix them!

How Much Should You Feed Your Puppy?

Puppies grow fast! So they need lots of food. Like, more than big dogs. But a little gives them too much. You want them big and strong, not too big, too fast. Growing too fast is bad, especially for big puppies.

Here’s how to feed your puppy:

  • Little Guys (6-12 weeks): Four times daily! Tiny tummies, but they play hard. They need lots of little meals.
  • Getting Bigger (3-6 months): Thrice daily. It’s still growing, but less.
  • Almost Big (6-12 months): Two times daily. Almost grown up!
  • Big Dogs (12+ months): Big dog food! Two times a day. Like a grown-up.

But it’s different for every puppy. Ask your vet! They know best! They can tell you how much food is good for your puppy. Every puppy is special!

The Best Food for Specific Breeds

Not all pups need the same chow. Big pups and small pups need different stuff. So, think about your pup’s kindness when picking food. Let’s see what different pups need.

1. Large Breed Puppies

A large breed puppy, like a Labrador or German Shepherd, eating from a big food bowl labeled with moderate calories


Big pups, like Labradors, German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers, grow slowly. But, they grow ’til they’re like two years old! Their bones need extra help to get strong.

For big pups, pick food with:

  • Not too many calories: Too many calories make them grow too fast – not good!
  • Just right calcium and stuff: These help bones, but too much is bad.
  • Lots of protein: Protein helps muscles grow big and strong.

2. Small Breed Puppies

A small breed puppy, like a Chihuahua or Yorkie, eating from a small food bowl with high-calorie content and tiny kibble

Small pups, like Chihuahuas and Yorkies, are tiny but peppy.

For small pups, you need:

  • Lots of calories: They zoom around and need energy.
  • Tiny kibble: Little mouths need little bites.
  • Lots of meals: They need to eat more often – like snacks!

3. Medium Breed Puppies

A medium breed puppy, like a Collie, eating from a medium-sized food bowl with balanced nutrients

Medium pups, like Collies, are in the middle.

For medium pups, try:

  • Good stuff: Find food with a good mix of everything.
  • Medium kibble: Not too big, not too small – just right.

4. Breed-Specific Formulas

Two breed-specific puppies, a Bulldog and a Dachshund, eating from food bowls designed for their special needs

Some food is made just for one kind of pup. Like Bulldogs have tummy troubles, so there’s food for that. And Dachshunds need food for good backs.

Homemade Puppy Food

Should you make your pup’s chow? Let’s see.

What to Put in Homemade Chow

  • Good meat: Chicken, beef, or fish.
  • Energy food: Rice or sweet potatoes.
  • Fruits and veggies: Carrots and stuff.
  • Good fats: Fish oil.
  • Bone stuff: Calcium for strong bones – ask your vet.

Easy Recipe

  •  1 pound of meat (chicken or turkey)
  •  1 cup cooked rice
  •  1/2 cup chopped carrots
  •  1/2 cup spinach
  •  one spoon fish oil

Cook the meat. Cook the rice. Mix it all up. Let it cool. (Ask your vet if it’s okay first!)

Transitioning from Puppy Food to Adult Dog Food

So, your little pup is getting big! Time for big-dog food! Around their first birthday (maybe sooner!), they need a new kind of food. Here’s the plan:

  • Mix it up: A little new food with the old food. Easy peasy.
  • More new food: Each day, give a little more new food. Less old food.
  • Watch your pup: Is their tummy okay? Are they playing okay? If not, slow down!

See? One week, and your dog is eating big-dog food!

Don’t do This! When Feeding Your Puppy

Here are some whoopees new pet parents make:

  • Too much food: More food isn’t always good. Too much food makes a fat pup!
  • People food: Don’t share your dinner! Lots of people food is bad for pups.
  • Not enough water: Pups get thirsty! Always have fresh water for them.

Picking Good Puppy Food

Picking good food is like a game. But, it’s easy!

  • Good stuff inside: Look for good stuff, like meat!
  • No junk: Check the label. No yucky fillers!
  • Good brands: Pick brands you know.

And, ask your vet! They know best.

Happy Puppy, Happy You!

Your puppy needs you! Good food helps your puppy grow big and strong. You got this


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