Behavior Problems in Puppies: Puppies are full of fun and energy! But puppies can be hard sometimes. Puppies like to chew on shoes. Puppies may have accidents in the house. This is normal for puppies. You can help your puppy. It takes time and love.

Behavior Problems in Puppies and How to Fix Them

Puppies can be a handful. But don’t worry! Here’s some help with typical puppy problems.

1. Chewing on Everything

Behavior Problems in Puppies A playful puppy chewing on a shoe in a cozy living room with chew toys scattered around

So, your puppy chews everything? Shoes, furniture, you name it! It’s normal.


  • Sore gums: Chewing helps their gums feel better.
  • Curious: They use their mouths to learn.
  • Bored: They need something to do!

What to do:

  • Good chew toys: Give them toys that are safe to chew.
  • Hide stuff: Put shoes and cords away.
  • Give them a toy: If they chew something wrong, give them a toy instead.

2. Potty Accidents

Behavior Problems in Puppies Puppy having a potty accident indoors, standing in a room with a surprised and confused expression

And accidents happen. Potty training takes time.


  • They’re learning: Puppies don’t know to go outside.
  • Small bladders: They have to go potty a lot!

What to do:

Take them out: Take your puppy outside often, like after naps and food.

  • Good dog!: Give them praise or a treat when they go potty outside.
  • Be patient!: Accidents happen. It’s okay.

3. Nipping and Biting

Potty Accidents Puppy nipping at a person's hand during playtime in a cozy living room

But puppy bites hurt!


  • Sore gums: Biting feels good on their gums.
  • Playing: They think it’s fun.

Too excited: They get carried away.

What to do:

  • Say, “Ouch!”: Let them know it hurts.
  • Give them a toy: Give them something okay to bite.
  • Stop playing: If they bite too hard, stop playing.

4. Jumping on People

Behavior Problems in Puppies A young puppy barking loudly in a cozy home setting

And jumping! So annoying!


  • Happy: They’re excited to see you!
  • Want attention: They want you to look at them.

What to do:

  • Don’t look: Turn away when they jump.
  • Good dog!: Praise them when they sit nicely.

Teach “Sit”: Teach them to sit to get pets.

5. Barking Too Much

But, all that barking! YIKES


  • Want attention: They want you to notice them.
  • Bored: They need something to do.
  • Scared: New things or loud noises make them bark.

What to do:

  • Don’t react: If they want attention, don’t give it to them.
  • Give them toys: Give them fun things to do.

Help them feel safe: Slowly show them scary things are okay. (A little at a time helps)

6. Pulling on the Leash

Walks should be fun, not a tug-of-war.


  • Zoomies: Puppies want to go, go, GO!
  • No School: They still need to learn how to walk nicely.

What to Do:

  • Good Dog! Give treats for walking nice.
  • Stop! Puppy pulls? Stop walking.
  • Quiet Place: Practice walking in a quiet place first.

7. Digging

Holes everywhere! Messy!


It’s in their blood! Some dogs just like to dig.

  • Bored: Nothing to do? Dig a hole!
  • Hot Dog: Digging makes an excellent spot.

What to Do:

  • Dig Here: Make a digging spot just for your puppy.
  • Run, Puppy, Run! Tired puppies dig less.
  • Watch Dog: Keep an eye on your puppy outside.

8. Missing You (Separation Anxiety)

Puppy sad when you leave.


  • Bark, Bark, Bark! Puppy cries when you go.
  • Bad Puppy! Chews stuff and scratches doors.
  • Nervous Puppy: Paces and pants when you leave.

What to Do:

  • Cozy Spot: Leave a toy or blanket.
  • Short Trips: Leave for a little bit, then longer, longer…
  • Bye-bye: Don’t make a big fuss.

9. Grumpy with Other Dogs (Aggression)

Puppy growls at other dogs. Needs improvement!


  • Scared-Dog: The puppy is scared of other dogs.
  • Mine! Puppy doesn’t want to share.

What to Do:

  • Puppy Play Dates: Let your puppy meet other friendly dogs.
  • Good Dog!: Give treats when the puppy is friendly to other dogs.
  • Ask for Help: If you are still grumpy, ask a dog trainer.

10. Bouncing Off the Walls (Over-excitement)

Too much energy!


  • Go, Go, Go!: Puppies have lots of energy!
  • Bored Brain: Need something to think about!

What to Do:

  • Walkies!: Lots of walks and playtime!
  • Sit! Stay!: Teach the puppy to be calm.
  • Think, Puppy, Think!: Give puppy puzzle toys.

11. Puppy Whines!

Puppies whine a lot. And it’s hard not to give them what they want. But if you do, they’ll just whine more!

Why do puppies whine?

  • Want pets? Want to play? Want food? Just want stuff!
  • It needs to be more comfy.
  • Nothing to do.

How to fix it:

  • Don’t run to them every time. Wait. Then give love when they’re quiet.
  • Check stuff. Food? Water? Potty break?
  • Good puppy! Give treats when they’re quiet.

12. Puppy Eats Everything!

And puppies eat all kinds of things. Dirt. Grass. Socks! Yuck!

Why do puppies eat things they shouldn’t?

  • Want to know what it is. It uses the mouth to learn.
  • Teeth hurt. Chewing helps.
  • Needs good food.

How to fix it:

Hide stuff. No socks on the floor!

Give good chew toys. Safe to eat!

Good food. Ask the vet if the puppy needs exceptional food.

Puppies are like little kids. They need help to learn! Be patient. Be nice. Soon, your puppy will be a good dog. You’ll see! Keep practicing. Good luck!


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